ASU tuition and fee descriptions
What are ASU tuition and fee descriptions?
ASU tuition and fees are approved annually by the Arizona Board of Regents. In addition to resident and nonresident tuition, commonly billed tuition and fees include:
Certain colleges and programs assess additional differential and program tuition as approved by the Arizona Board of Regents. Visit the Tuition and Fees Schedules for college and program specific tuition and fees.
The Undergraduate College Fee is one of four fee categories based on a student's program of study. ASU conducted a comprehensive review of all instructional costs for every program. Programs of study with similar costs were grouped together, and those fees were averaged to determine an amount of each category. Please note that some programs of study are categorized differently based on a student's online or immersion status. *Visit the Tuition Estimator to determine your Undergraduate College Fee.
Online | Immersion | |
Undergraduate College Fee 1 | College of Nursing and Health Innovation BSN
Non Degree | Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Integrative Sciences and Arts: Humanities and Social Sciences
New College and Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences |
Undergraduate College Fee 2 | Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences
Integrative Sciences and Arts: Humanities and Social Sciences
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences
University College: Humanities and Social Sciences | The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences
Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Integrative Sciences and Arts: Sciences
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences: Sciences
School of Global Futures
University College
Undergraduate College Fee 3 | Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Sciences
College of Nursing and Health Innovation
College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Integrative Sciences and Arts: Sciences
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences: Sciences
School of Global Futures
University College: Sciences | College of Nursing and Health Innovation
College of Health Solutions |
Undergraduate College Fee 4 | W.P. Carey School of Business
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
College of Health Solutions
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication | W.P. Carey School of Business
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Sciences |
The Technology Fee assessed to students funds technology initiatives including implementation of ASU's wireless network, delivering University-licensed software to all students, increasing the number of technology-enabled classrooms, reducing dependence on computing labs and expanding and improving online self-service environment.
The Graduate Student Support Fee helps fund resources and services that support graduate students, including technology resources and services, instructional and laboratory expenses in departments and schools, and graduate student services.
Special Class, Hybrid, oCourse and iCourse fees are assessed based on enrollment in specific classes. These fees are published with each class through Class Search.
All students who register beginning the week before the first day of the semester will be assessed a late registration fee of $50.00, with the exception of students enrolling only in late start sessions. Students enrolling exclusively in late start sessions, will be assessed the late registration fee beginning one week before the session start date. Please see Tuition Deadlines for specific dates. Registration after the published deadline may be permitted under extraordinary circumstances if approved by an authorized College designee. Late fees are not refundable.
**The College of Nursing and Health Innovation post-bac BSN will continue to maintain a separate fee. All other nursing programs will be in Undergraduate College Fee 3
The Arizona Legislature enacted legislation in 2005 (A.R.S. § 15-1626) that establishes credit hour thresholds for undergraduate students who attend a public university in Arizona. Undergraduate students who enroll for credit hours beyond the applicable threshold are required to pay an Excess Hours Tuition Surcharge. Students who have more than 145 credit hours will be assessed the Undergraduate Excess Hours Tuition Surcharge.
On Sept. 16, 2024, Arizona State University announced that a tuition surcharge will be implemented in the spring 2025 semester. The surcharge, as well as other related actions taken by ASU, protects the university’s ongoing financial health following the $24 million cut to ASU’s budget enacted by the state legislature and governor of Arizona.This surcharge for the 2024–2025 academic year will be based on spring 2025 enrollment and added to the spring 2025 semester bills of undergraduate and graduate campus immersion students. It will be posted to My ASU beginning in late November.
- If you are taking fewer than seven credit hours in spring 2025, you will see a charge of $50 per credit hour.
- If you enroll in seven or more credit hours in spring 2025, you will see the maximum charge of $350 per semester.
There will be no surcharge added to summer sessions. ASU will continue to pursue restoration of state funding that would allow for the elimination of this tuition surcharge. Until state leaders act to restore funding, students should plan for assessment of the tuition surcharge, including in the 2025–2026 academic year.
Please note:
- Students in the Obama Scholars, Arizona Promise and College Attainment Grant programs will see the tuition surcharge on their bill, but will receive additional funds to cover the surcharge.
- Students QTR waivers and RA/TAs will see the tuition surcharge, but will receive additional funds to cover or reduce the surcharge amount.
Student Initiated Fee
ASU's student government leaders, on behalf of the students they represent, sought and received ABOR approval for the following Student Initiated Fees. Funding from these fees will be used to enrich the student experience.
The Recreation Fee of $25.00 per semester supports programs and services at the Sun Devil Fitness Complexes. Additionally, these funds are used to provide support for programs/services like intramural sports and activities, a broad array of fitness classes, aquatics programs, instructional classes, and health education workshops, events and programs. It also supplements student employment opportunities for over 500 on-campus student positions. There is an advisory board that provides routine feedback on services, hours and programs to support guidance for overall student well-being. Students interested in serving on a Sun Devil Fitness Advisory Board are encouraged to apply.
Students pay $100.00 per semester to a combined fund which is then utilized to build and refurbish student spaces such as Memorial Union, Sun Devil Fitness Complexes, etc. The Student Service Facility Fee allows for the enhancements of existing facilities and the planning and development of new student service facilities to meet the needs of a growing student population. For a list of facilities built and supported by the fee click here. Students interested in serving on the Facility Fee University Board to participate in discussions on these building projects are encouraged to apply.
The Student Programs Fee funds student programming initiatives. Per semester, undergraduate campus immersion students pay $35, undergraduate digital immersion students pay $17, and graduate digital and campus immersion students pay $35. Managed by the student government at each location, this fee is used to create programming that supports the student experience, student needs and interests. Recipients of the programs fee funding include: include: Programming and Activities Board (PAB), Clubs and Organizations, Sports Clubs, Council of Coalitions,and the Childcare Subsidy. In addition to these, each USG and GPSA also uses this fee to help support professional development, travel funding to support research and attend conferences, and large scale student programs and activities- to apply for these funding opportunities visit your student government website. For detailed information about each student government’s budget please visit this website.To provide feedback or ask questions about the fiscal budget please reach out to your respective Student Government President
Students pay $80.00 per semester to the Health and Wellness Fee supplement the operation of ASU Health and Counseling Services. Funding supports a portion of the operating budget for medical and psychological services and health education and promotion. The Health Services Advisory Board provides routine feedback to the Director of Health Services on services provided, quality and efficiency of care, new innovations, and student needs. Students interested in serving on the Health Services Advisory Board are encouraged to apply
Students pay $75.00 per semester for the Student Athletic Fee which supplements and supports the operations of Sun Devil Athletics, in exchange for a reinvestment of university funds into student identified priorities.Through the establishment of this fee, the tuition dollars traditionally allocated to Sun Devil Athletics will be reinvested into the university system in order to grant additional resources and services as identified by the Associated Students of Arizona State University, thereby establishing students as effective stakeholders in both Sun Devil Athletics and the university system, and furthering transparency between the university and the Associated Students of Arizona State University over tuition dollars. These priorities were established by the Athletic Fee Operations Board and over the years have included salary increases for Research and Teaching Assistants to a minimum standard, expanding transportation services to include weekends and holidays, free attendance to all ASU football games, and free graduate test prep programs. Students interested in serving on the Athletic Fee Operations Board are encouraged to apply
The Financial Aid Trust Fee assessed to all students as authorized by the Arizona Legislature.***This is a fee that all ABOR students pay, including online students.***
Student Financial Aid Trust grants are assistance provided in partnership between ASU students and the state legislature. All students are assessed this fee to create a Financial Aid Trust Fund, from which Financial Aid Trust Grants are awarded under the usual aid eligibility criteria. Fees collected from students are matched by the State of Arizona. Priority for these limited awards is given to eligible undergraduate students who file their FAFSA by the priority filing date of January 1 and who are Arizona residents or underrepresented students with high financial need